Praying For Repentance From Strife And Division In The Church
Day 4 - September 30, 2024

Arthur Guice Speaker & Founder and President of Full of Glory Ministries, Inc View Website
Devotion For Day 4
I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I’ll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.
It’s a sad commentary on the church in America today, that there are so many disagreements, moral failures, and church splits. We are so often known for what we are against rather than Who we are for! We say we want revival – even praying for revival, and yet, God cannot and will not send it into the midst of a divided people. D.L. Moody stated: “I have never yet known the Spirit of God to work where the Lord’s people were divided.” Curtis Thomas adds: “The more fractured we are, the greater we become spectacles to the world.” But he then offers hope through the antidote to division: “The more we are united in love, the more the world sees Christ.”
God designed His Church to represent Jesus in and to the world. We are to love others as we love ourselves. Let’s pray that we can once again be salt and light for the sake of His kingdom on earth!
Lord Jesus, when You left this earth, You established Your Church to carry on Your work. We confess that we have been less than what You desire us to be. We are not representing You with honor when we have division and strife in our midst. Forgive us, Lord, and set our feet upon the path of peace so that our communities and indeed, our nation, will once again shine with Your glory!
Prayer Topics
- Ask the Father to show you if there is anyone in your life that you are at odds with and do what is necessary to bring healing and/or resolution.
- Jesus has given His church in America opportunities to make a difference to the world. Ask Him to heal any strife or division in your church community.
- Pray for God’s hand of healing to be upon the division in our nation. Ask Him to pour out a spirit of love and forgiveness across our land.
- Ask God to help you to become a peacemaker who consistently lives a life of peace.