Praying For Repentance Over Pornography And All Sexual Impurity
Day 7 - October 3, 2024

Caleb Neyland Missionary and Speaker for Eight Days of Hope View Website
Devotion For Day 7
No temptation has seized you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it
In the movie, The Shawshank Redemption, a wise, long-term inmate named Red (played by Morgan Freeman), makes a fascinating and telling statement about prison: “Funny thing, these walls. First, you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. After a while, you start to depend on them.” Basically, he was saying that once you live long enough inside of a prison (even one of your own making), you can adjust so well that you forget how to live on the outside. That’s what sin can do once we cross the line of purity God intended.
When pornography and other sexual sins occur, it is destructive and damaging. But when such sin happens among God’s people, it is especially grieving. Too often we hear of “moral failure,” even among pastors and leaders. What will it take for God’s people to honor Him as He has asked – that we respect our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit and guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus?
Holy One, Your Word says that the weapons we fight with are spiritual and have the divine power to demolish anything that’s against the knowledge of God. Let us take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. You have given us the tools and Your divine way of living on this earth. Start with me, Lord! See if there is any wickedness in my life that displeases You in this area! Please transform me, and all Your people by renewing our minds so we can stand firm against any temptation and fully obey You!
Prayer Topics
- Bow before the Holy Creator in prayer and repent of any sin that has kept you from living less than the holy life He has designed for you.
- Thank the Father that whenever you are tempted He has provided a way out and provided the weapons you need to fight against the Tempter.
- Ask God to give the people in your church His great love, as well as creative and divine ways to minister to those caught up in pornography and sexual sin.