Praying For Marriages
Day 14 - October 10, 2024

Trent & Andrea Griffith National Conference Speakers for Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaways and Church Multiplication Catalyst with Cru View Website
Devotion For Day 14
Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’
The devil has been very successful at undermining marriage in our nation and culture has dictated many reasons: easy divorce; women who place career and success above a committed marital relationship; men who are being increasingly viewed as weak or foolish; the increase of marriage outside of God’s design; economic downturns that discourage couples from marrying; and more.
Brian Osborne writes, “So how do we deal with today’s attack on biblical marriage? By understanding the foundational nature of the fight and following the example of Jesus. When the dominant thinkers in the culture of his day questioned him about marriage, he did something radical. He quoted the Bible as the authority!
How did Jesus define and defend marriage? He quoted from Genesis and demonstrated that the doctrine of marriage is based on the truth of Genesis’ history and biology. Following this example, Christians can say authoritatively, uncompromisingly, and lovingly that marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Why? Because the God who created marriage designed it that way, and he defined it—in Genesis. But if that history in Genesis is not true, or God’s Word is not the authority, then why not redefine marriage into whatever you want it to be? That is exactly what our culture is doing today.”
Lord, You created marriage with a perfect design so that all people everywhere would thrive in a loving environment, and so our culture would function according to Your purposes. We come against the evil intent of Satan to pervert what You intended to bring glory to Your name and as a picture of the relationship of Jesus and His Church. Wash over our nation with Your Holy Spirit, so that we, Your people, will renew commitments to follow and not compromise Your holy and perfect plan for marriage.
Prayer Topics
- Pray for Christians to stand firm on the Word of God as they enter into a marriage covenant.
- Pray for marriage to once again be viewed in terms of biblical truth.
- Pray for moral, economic, and social changes that allow even unbelieving couples to feel that it is okay to say “yes” to the commitment of marriage.
- Pray that the deception and lies about marriage would be exposed and that God’s plan will once again be revealed in all of its original intent and beauty.