Praying For Widows, Orphans, And Foster Kids
Day 15 - October 11, 2024
Vladimir Prokhnevskiy Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Recipient View Website
Devotion For Day 15
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world
Maryland Community Church in Terre Haute, IN has taken the prayer and care for widows, orphans, and foster kids to heart. In response to a huge need in their community, they have established a successful ministry called Fostering Hope, which connects children in the foster care system with Christian couples/families. Each foster family has a care group consisting of people who commit to praying, providing respite care, cooking meals, doing laundry, and offering wholehearted support. They have recently begun two other ministries: Family Refuge, which provides child care and other help for struggling families, and Wings of Hope, a ministry to women who have lost their spouses. This important outreach offers unique care that only women who have experienced such loss can offer to others.
If every church would seek the Lord about how He would have them fulfill even just a small part of this important mandate, imagine the change that could take place in the culture of our communities. Let’s pray for God to move in the hearts of congregations across our nation to reach out to the widows, orphans, and foster kids around us.
Father, You have given us clear direction in Your Word to care for widows and orphans. Give us a deep desire to honor what You have asked and show us the plan You have for individuals, families, and churches in our nation to step up and see to the needs of those who need it most. May we show compassion and kindness to those who have lost their spouses and to the children who have no parents or whose parents may be in crisis, forcing these children into foster care. Help us to unite with other churches and groups so that our community will glorify You through serving.
Prayer Topics
- Pray that God will give you wisdom and insight into how you can obey his commands to help widows and orphans.
- Pray Isaiah 1:17 which tells us to “Learn to do right! Seek justice and encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow”
- Pray that your heart will be filled with compassion for women who have lost their spouses and children who have no parents or parents in crisis.
- Pray that God will give you His holy creativity to draw attention to and serve widows and orphans.
- Pray that our nation would see an outpouring of care for those who are in our foster care system and that no child will be without a forever family.