Praying For Transformation In The Entertainment Industry
Day 21 - October 17, 2024

Karen Covell Film Producer, Author, Speaker, and Founding Director of the Hollywood Prayer Network View Website
Devotion For Day 21
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect
The Hollywood Prayer Network (HPN) unifies and mobilizes Christians around the world to pray for the people, the projects, and the issues in the entertainment industry. It is their passion to challenge global Christians to engage in culture, pray for the media, and help transform the spiritual climate of Hollywood with hearts of love and compassion.
Karen Covell, founding director of the HPN is convinced that Hollywood itself should be looked at as Ninevah rather than Sodom and Gomorrah. She firmly believes that if God’s people will replace any anger, fear, or frustration toward the media with prayer, a cultural revival will come! Karen says the only way projects coming out of Hollywood will change is if the hearts of the people producing them change.
God of transformation, we confess that we have sometimes given up on the entertainment industry rather than seeing it as the catalyst for spiritual awakening in our nation and across the earth. Change our hearts and our prayers to focus on the lost men and women who work in this industry so that they will give their hearts fully to Your purposes and turn from the deceptions and lies of the devil. Transform them by renewing their minds, Lord Jesus, so that Your glory will encompass the nations of the earth using this industry as Your instrument.
Prayer Topics
- Pray that believers across the earth will awaken to the need to intercede for the entertainment industry.
- Pray for a godly attitude towards those who produce content you don’t agree with or like. Ask God to show mercy and put people into their paths who demonstrate the love of Jesus to them.
- Pray for the spiritual protection of the believers in Hollywood – that they would find a godly community to help keep their faith strong and vibrant. Ask God to increase their numbers!
- Pray for more godly content to come from the entertainment industry and that these projects will be wildly successful! Ask God to prosper the films and shows that bring Him glory.