Praying For Justice And Accountability In Government
Day 25 - October 21, 2024

Donovan Coley Chief Servant Officer at Discipleship Stewardship Network View Website
Devotion For Day 25
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God
Author, Steve Johnson, wrote an insightful article about the biblical role of government. Here are some excerpts from “What Is the Role of Government According to the Bible?”:
According to the Bible, “all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God” (Romans 13:1). This means that it is God who has ordained the institution of government and that the role and purpose of government is mandated by Him.
It is also important to understand that only God is sovereign, and the role of government is limited. This is because God has not only ordained the government but also the church and the family. They have their own authority structures and the state should only interfere in exceptional circumstances in order to carry out justice.
The essential role and purpose of government is to exercise justice. Government is to seek, serve, and promote the common good of the people, not the good of the rulers (Romans 13:4). It must promote and never prevent progress toward the peace and prosperity of the society. It is to preserve human dignity. Harm done to another person is a violation of human dignity.
Although God has ordained government and its purposes it does not have the solutions for all the problems and troubles in society. Those who govern are fallible people just like us needing God’s wisdom just as much as we do.
Sovereign Lord, You have ordained government for the sake of justice for Your people so that we may walk humbly and in peace together before You. Help us to pray for our government officials more than we criticize them. Give us love for those who are not governing according to Your principles, and through our prayers, turn their hearts towards You. May our nation once again be a shining light on a hill for Your glory.
Prayer Topics
- Ask God for biblical justice to once again rule in our nation.
- Pray for the eyes of those who have been deceived or blinded by the devil to be opened to the truth of Your true justice.
- Pray that all people, including our government officials, will do justice through loving kindness and walk humbly with You.
- Pray that all government officials will be held accountable and that those who continue to govern with evil intent will be removed.
- Pray that justice will be fair and equitable for all people in our nation.