Praying For Fiscal Responsibility In Government
Day 33 - October 29, 2024

Josh Wildman President and CEO of Wildman Business Group, Chairman of Truth At Work, and Board Member of C4One View Website
Devotion For Day 33
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’
We expect our politicians and appointed officials to uphold their fiscal responsibilities. This includes fundraising, allocating funds, and spending money appropriately. However, the United States government is currently weighed down by an immense deficit.
Senator Rand Paul, in his Festivus Report for 2023, identified over 900 billion dollars of wasteful government spending by both parties. Paul states, “It doesn’t take a genius to predict the dangers that come with spending money that the government just doesn’t have. When the government overspent by $1.7 trillion in FY2023, we were left with a whopping $659 billion in interest payments. You read that right. In Fiscal Year 2023, the U.S. Department of the Treasury spent $659 billion just to pay the interest on the national debt. Because we don’t have the funds to pay that, we have to borrow it — a large portion from China. We borrow from China to pay the interest on funds we couldn’t afford to spend in the first place.”
Our nation needs prayer to live within our means through responsible financial governance. Our God can help us if we look to His principles for fiscal responsibility.
Father, our nation has lost its way financially. We don’t follow Your guidance and wisdom when it comes to fiscal responsibility, and so, we are drowning in debt we cannot repay. Forgive us for this foolishness, Lord, and help our leaders look to Your solutions instead of fighting amongst themselves. We pray for a deep repentance among our government leaders – that they would bow before You and confess the sinfulness of the waste and foolish spending, and turn their faces toward You. Teach our leaders how to get the nation’s finances under control and back to a healthy place.
Prayer Topics
- Pray that America’s government officials will recognize the damage they are causing, and bow before You in humility and deep repentance.
- Pray that these men and women will stop their wastefulness and seek purposeful and responsible solutions based on Your wise counsel.
- Pray for a united determination to set America back on solid financial footing for the good of the entire nation.
- Pray that we will, again, be a prosperous nation with a balanced budget and equitable tax structure.
- Pray that our government will soon be able to be generous out of the overflow of prosperity because we are a nation that honors You and the financial principles outlined so clearly in Your Word.